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'WATER' The Elixir of Life by Lesley Una Pierce

As a Biologist, I am only too well aware of the importance of WATER to all living things.

It is the presence of WATER in its liquid state that allows the earth to support life. Indeed, when scientists are looking for evidence of life on other planets they they initially try to establish whether there are signs of WATER - either now or in the past.

All life processes take place in aqueous solution - so, quite simply, no WATER no life. That said, some organisms have the remarkable ability to survive periods of drought in a dormant state but can only return to activity when WATER is available.

From the point of view of our health and well being we are encouraged to drink plenty of WATER (NOTE : WATER - not tea, coffee, juice, soda etc.) throughout the day. In this book, Lesley Pierce explains why this is so important.

Initially, she touches on the ‘WATER Cycle’ and the fact that WATER is constantly passing through ALL living things i.e. in and out at all times.

As far as we humans are concerned, we are losing WATER all the time – in many ways, but primarily through the production of urine in our kidneys, every time we breathe out and through sweat.

If we don’t replace this sufficiently, we are running the risk of dehydration – which can be made even more acute by drinking coffee, tea, juices, sodas, alcoholic beverages and by getting stressed.

Clearly there is WATER in our food and we gain some WATER via our metabolism (water is a by-product of the process of respiration) – but the ONLY way to remain hydrated is to drink WATER on a regular basis.

Dehydration certainly causes problems at a cellular level. One way in which the body tries to deal with this is by synthesising more cholesterol. This is deposited in the cell membranes to make them more WATERproof and assist them in retaining WATER. We all know about the problems associated with increased cholesterol!

The way forward is to make sure we drink around 2 litres of WATER per day – and encourage our children to do so. Lesley suggests that when we are better hydrated and drinking plenty of WATER, we are much more likely to feel thirsty when our WATER levels drop. Under these circumstances, we should satisfy such thirst with WATER.

It is best to spread our drinking throughout the day – and not a great idea to drink more than the recommended 2 litres or so (unless we have been particularly active and lost more WATER). Also, it is not advisable to drink much with meals – this can have the effect of diluting our digestive juices. A possible ‘WATER drinking programme’ is suggested.

Having established that we need to drink plenty of WATER, the next problem is where to get the best WATER – tap WATER, rainWATER, distilled, spring, bottled (plastic v glass bottles) or filtered? It’s a bit of a minefield, but clearly it is difficult to find ‘pure’ WATER because of additives and pollutants. On balance, it may be that filtered WATER is best – but, again, there are a large number of different types of WATER filters on the market and at a range of prices.

Lesley also urges us not to take our water for granted, but to appreciate and savour it – giving close attention to what is happening to the WATER when we swallow it, how it is permeating our bodies and cells and the benefits we are gaining!

In addition to drinking WATER, it is also recommended that we try and drink up to 500 ml of linseed or flaxseed tea per day. How to make it is explained in Chapter 12.

In the penultimate chapter, Lesley points out that there is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that all matter vibrates at different frequencies. This can have an adverse or beneficial influence, depending on the frequency. Investigations carried out in Japan by Masaru Emoto demonstrated that the crystals formed when WATER freezes can be organised and intricate when the WATER has been exposed to positive vibrations – but irregular and disorganised when exposed to negative vibrations. On this basis, the frequencies to which our WATER has been subjected prior to drinking and the frequencies within our cells (which depend on our emotional state) may well determine how well we derive benefit from the WATER we have just drunk.

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